Welcome to

Bath Islamic Centre

A hub for personal refinement, spiritual growth, educational progress and social cohesion
Al-Muzzafar Bath Mosque

Meet the Imam & Trustees

Sheikh Dr Mohammad Gamal Abdelnour (Imam)

Dr Mohammed Gamal Abdelnour is a hafiz of the Quran who studied at Al-Azhar for up to 18 years and graduated as a class valedictorian, with a bachelor’s in Islamic Studies and Philosophy. He earned his master’s degree at the University of Durham and completed his PhD in Comparative Religion at SOAS University of London. His most recent publication is a book that came with Oxford University Press, entitled The Higher Objectives of Islamic Theology. He held teaching and research posts at the universities of Al-Azhar, SOAS, York, Bristol, and now serves as the Imam of Bath Mosque. You can reach him on: imam@bathmosque.org.uk

Abdul Hafedh Alaswadi (Chairman)

Salams everyone
My name is Abdulhafedh Alaswadi. I have been blessed to be chosen as chairperson of Bath Islamic society. I hope to lead the team of fabulous trustees to serve you well and present our mosque as a bright spot in our beloved city of Bath.

Ahmad Araby (Finance)

The Treasurer of the Islamic Society Bath, Ahmad’s aim is straightforward: use digital tools and smarter management to make our financial side run smoother. He ensures that mosque’s resources are used wisely for projects that genuinely make a difference in our community.
“Let’s take this journey together, building a stronger and closer community for us all”

Bilal El Achab (Communications)

Bilal is a final-year engineering student at the University of Bath. He is in charge of the communications aspect of Bath Islamic Center, from anouncements in the masjid, to making sure the right message is sent across over all platforms.
“I look forward to contribute my skills and dedication to improve the communication within our community”

Jibraan Faisal Kidwai (School Manager)

Jibraan is a second year psychology student at the University of Bath. His aim is to help with the mosque’s Arabic school, the mosque renovations, a female committee, the Quran circles, regular charity collections, and collaborations with the wider community.

Ahbab Ali (Deputy Secretary)

Ahbab is from Cardiff, Wales, and he is currently a student at the University of Bath studying Aerospace Engineering. “I look forward to serving the mosque as Deputy Secretary this year inshaAllah”

Hamzah Majid (Secretary)

Hamzah Majid is a final year maths student at the University of Bath. He has helped in the masjid for the past few years. Willing to help and hear the community.

Arran Messenger (Property Manager)

Hatim (Property Manager)

Abdul Aziz (Vice Chairman)

Our Story

Bath Islamic Centre serves as a mosque for Muslims of the city of Bath, UK. We aim to be a hub for personal refinement, spiritual growth, educational progress and social cohesion. To this end, we organize congregational prayers, offer pastoral care, provide Quran and Arabic Classes for kids as well as adults.



Engage in activities that strengthen community bonds


Educational Programmes

Enriching programs for children and adults


Spiritual Guidance

Guidance and support on the spiritual path of Islam

Join Our Community

Experience the warmth of community, spiritual growth, and educational excellence at Bath Islamic Center. Register with us today!

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